
4 things that amaze me

I was thinking about continuing the series that Tio started with. So here are 4 things that amaze me:

I was thinking about continuing the series that Tio started with. So here are 4 things that amaze me:

1. The world

In times of Netflix, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, our attention is drawn to what sells best. We grow up through all kinds of media in realities that are anything but real. Think of the Marvel films, think of Netflix series and think of all the click-bait videos on Facebook that promote the greatest nonsense.

It's crazy to realize that the world itself is more exciting than any Hollywood film, Netflix series or Saturday night blockbuster. By this I mean the planet Earth, which is in this gigantic universe in which we live. The planet that formed as it is today through various factors.

How does the world work? is probably one of the most exciting questions there is.

2. Computer

I'm typing on my keyboard and the letters appear on the screen - wow. Imagine people 200 years ago - they couldn't have imagined that we now have computers and the Internet.

Even my grandparents don't understand how to use a computer or how it works and I think most of them don't. I grew up with it and would say I understand the basic principle (this video helped me a lot) but it's still so incredible.

I have now also realized that a computer is a powerful tool. You can do so much with a computer: create videos, edit images, build websites, develop games and so much more - I never really realized that.

3. To live

The fact that I'm thinking about how to write this right now is incredible. I live - whatever that means. I sit here in front of my laptop and marvel at the fact of existing.

At the same time, that also means that at some point I won't be there anymore. At least in the way it is at this moment. Should I like that or not? I don't know it. In any case, it's a fact.

4. People

There are more than 7.5 billion people. I can not imagine that. Every single person has a story, has had experiences and is doing something at this moment. So many people - and I'm one of them. One in 7.5 billion people. Incomprehensible...

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