
A way forward

We published the trade-free directory and you can contribute!

We published the trade-free directory and you can contribute!

This directory currently provides hundreds of examples of organizations/projects that offer something trade-free, meaning they don't ask for anything in return - neither data, nor attention, money or anything else.

The Idea

Tio had the idea for a long time to make a directory in which trade-free goods and services are collected.

I texted him a few weeks ago that I would like to do the directory and we started the project. We both knew it should be simple and clear and I just started working with WordPress. Tio has years of experience with WordPress and that's why he helped with the design of the website - actually he did all of the design and structure of the website haha ​​but that's great because I couldn't have done it that cool and clever.

The Submit page, where anyone can submit more trade-free items, looks just like a finished entry.

This is awesome because we only have to “publish” the entry.

Wir haben verschiedene Kategorien gemacht: Gemeinschaft, Bildung, Unterhaltung, Humanitär, Medien, Software & Hardware und Anderes, in denen wir die handelsfreien Güter und Dienstleistungen sammeln. Kategorien bieten eine grobe Übersicht über verschiedene Bereiche.

Each entry that is added is then tagged with tags that describe what exactly is being offered, such as books, videos, search engine, food, transportation, accommodation, medical care, photo editor, whatever.

Some of these tags are collected in a cloud so you have an overview and a search bar lets you search for what you want.

This is what the keyword cloud looks like.

So if you click on an entry, you will see a screenshot, the official link, a description and the tag, i.e. what is offered.

Above the screenshot you can see 5 blocks that reflect how the entry is rated by others. If something has 5 blocks it will likely be trade free, if something has 1 block it will likely not be trade free. At the bottom you can see the rating system, where you can also give your opinion - without having to create an account. You just click on the blocks you would give the entry and write in a comment why you rate it that way. Below you will see the comments of other people who have rated before you.

What we have decided for now is that we will review the comments because we have found that if we don't, there will be spam comments.

And what happens to the listings that are submitted but are not trade-free?

We publish these entries in the category “Rejected', with a reason why we rejected the entry. Maybe there were ads or a lot of trackers on the site, or the site wanted something else from you. Whatever it was - we write below why the entry is not trade-free. So we are 100% transparent. And you can also object to this - just like with a normal entry.

join us

As you may have noticed, the directory is based on the help of volunteers. You can add entries and rate entries. You don't need an account for any of this - you can just get started with it 🙂

So start and always ask yourself:

Wait - What am I trading?

Data (tracker), attention (because of advertising), money or something else?

Find the trade 😉

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