
Have fun and enjoy life!

I recently came back from Spain because I was visiting Tio and Sasha to film for the TROM 2 documentary and what can I say? Spain is really nice!

I was on the Costa Brava in a smaller town north of Barcelona that looks like this:

The trip was no problem regarding Corona. With a PCR test, I was able to fly to Barcelona and from there continue by bus.

Not only were we productive because we finished recording and I worked on some other things, but we also had a cool time because we did a lot of things outside: we went hiking, camping, swimming in the Mediterranean, kayaking, flying kites (pretty cool with a lot of wind on the beach), playing cards, making pizza and just having a good time:


I keep thinking to myself that life can be so simple and so beautiful, and I keep coming back to our trade-based society, which makes it so difficult for many people to live a good life.

Tio is the living proof. I have never met such a nice person who is so curious about the world and just does good things. He creates books, videos and podcasts on complex subjects to make them easy to understand, constantly educates himself through documentaries and news about the world and he would always help you without asking anything in return.

But since he offers everything he makes trade-free, he can hardly survive in our society. In fact, he is currently as good as broke and if that doesn't say everything about our society, then I don't know what does.

It's sad to see that such people who just do good things have to struggle to survive while at the same time being influencers on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, (e.g. Lisa and Lena or BibisBeautyPalace) get an incredible amount of attention and recognition (for mostly trivial things).

I am deeply disappointed myself in our society which aims to sell more and more and keep you enslaved in a job instead of learning about this amazing reality and just being a nice one Mensch to be.

Even if you study marine biology at a university, you have to pass exams and studying is always connected to the idea of ​​performance...

I've also heard of students who have successfully studied archeology and then had to take a job in the supermarket because they couldn't find any other way to earn money. I think there are many such examples out there.

Am I crazy or our society?!

How can it be that someone earns a lot of money by playing games on the computer and filming themselves doing it? Or buying and selling cars and making millions? (Link) Or collects data about you and then sells it to advertisers (data broker)?

And in contrast I just want to learn more about the world, help others and not sell anything, but now I have to see how I can make money to survive...

Am I crazy now or society?

If you don't have a job and earn money, then you are worthless in the eyes of society. You are told to have a career as a mechatronics engineer, bank clerk, carpenter or manager.

What would you like to become? everyone asks you when you go to school.

Maybe soccer star? Maybe manager? Or lawyer? Maybe just rich?

But what if I don't want to be one of those?

What if I just want to be a nice, chilled and helpful person trying different things with no expectations of making a big career out of it?

What if I just want to be happy?

That's exactly why I try to stay away from all the bullshit. I hardly ever buy new clothes, I don't have a Netflix or Spotify subscription, I don't have the latest cell phone or a car.

Still, I'm doing really well and I'm happy. And that's the most important thing, isn't it? 🙂

Have fun and let go

What really matters in life?

For me personally, things are important, such as going surfing or snowboarding, meeting other people and learning new things, helping other people and/or organizations, traveling, hiking, camping, swimming or watching documentaries and more about to learn the world. And just to have fun too. And to do things spontaneously. And to be open to life 🙂

If you were to ask an alien if they would want to live here on planet earth, but ONLY IF they have a job and work 40 hours a week. Do you think he would do that?????

Our society sucks and I think this video illustrates it pretty well:

Because of this:

Don't take life and especially our society too seriously, take it easy and have fun, go out into nature, look at the stars and have a good time 😉

For example, I've thought about cycling around Lake Constance this summer, or hitchhiking in Germany and at Trust Roots- or BeWelcome-stay with hosts.

I'm sure there are still some adventures waiting for me and I'm really looking forward to it 😉

My goals

Of course I also have goals and I once wrote in a blog article (which I deleted again) that my dream is to train as a carpenter and then live and travel in a van.

After my internship in a carpentry shop in Switzerland (which was very, very hard), I thought about doing something else instead...

My next thought was to do something in the IT field, because on the one hand I'm interested in technology and computers, or rather servers and Linux, and I want to learn more about it. And I could certainly use the skills that I will learn in such an apprenticeship to, for example, Friendica- Instance hosting or other services that we are currently on host. I would also really like to translate into German and offer trade-free services online 🙂

So I applied to various companies and in September I will do an apprenticeship as an IT specialist for system integration in Dresden.

This also means that I have a more or less regular daily routine, I will be given assignments and have to write exams. But I think that I can definitely gain valuable experience that might be of great use to me later.

After the apprenticeship, I might still live in a van or go traveling, I don't know yet and it depends a lot on how the world develops.

In any case, I will buy a wakeboard and wakeboard regularly, enjoy the offline life more and of course continue to keep the projects up to date.

Why am I doing what I'm doing?

When I think about this question like this, it reminds me of Australia or Asia, being on beautiful beaches and wondering what I want to do with my life.

I could travel my whole life or start a family and work in a job for 40 years and live a normal life or I could try to be an astronaut or study business and try to be a manager and so much more .

All possibilities are open to me and I could have a great career. But I don't want that because I've been traveling and I've seen and learned that there are so many problems in our unjust world and if we only think of ourselves we'll perish...

That's why I can't and don't want to normal life to have. I don't want to become jaded to all the unbelievable things of our world, but to face life with astonishment and curiosity.

If in the corona pandemic For profit reasons, the patents for the corona vaccine were not released become when the State more and more surveillance measures implements and if most people on the planet are enslaved in a bullshit job and we destroy the planet à la "after me the flood of meaning", then I just don't think that's cool. Ne, it's really not cool diggah!

I'm now more or less forced to play the game and do this training because unfortunately I don't get enough support, but I try as best as I can not to let it affect me negatively, but to draw positive things from it. Of course I could also work in other jobs, but I think it's hard to find something at the moment and I don't want to be a waiter anymore either! 😉


Letztendlich halte ich es für essentiell, Menschen auf dieses Problem “Handel” aufmerksam zu machen. Spirituelle Hippies mit viel Ying & Yang, Homöopatie und sonstigem esoterischem Scheiß und Pseudowissenschaft werden auch keine Probleme lösen. Ja, ich hab auch mal Yoga gemacht, war in einem Schweigemeditationskloster und hatte eine Hippie-Phase, und ich hab auch echt nichts dagegen, verschiedene Sachen auszuprobieren und sich auszuleben – ich selbst bin auch ein total ruhiger und entspannter Typ, der offen für vieles ist und gerne neue Sachen ausprobiert!

But I don't need to believe in a god or open my "chakras" when I know that billions of neutrinos are 'flying' through my body every second and that we and everything we see around us are made of atoms.

Of course that doesn't mean I'm not having fun, quite the opposite, I like to juggle or slackline, do some exercises and sports from time to time, listen to electronic music because I celebrate music, but what we need are more educated people who understand where the problems in our society come from and do something about it. It is precisely in this direction that we are trying to advance with the TROM project. No pseudoscience, no wishful thinking, no utopia, but facts about our world and solutions.

I think this idea is really powerful and if you really understand what it's about then you can't do nothing.

Also, I can't think of a better idea to change our society or steer it in a more sane direction than to make trade obsolete and educate people and give them free access to what they need and want.

I myself would never ask for anything in return if I were to help you.

That's why I do what I do.

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