
not ego

We live in a world with quite a lot of problems and in my opinion there is no getting around working towards a more positive future - and that can only be done by people working together and helping each other.

Many corporations and entrepreneurs (Musk, Bezos and the rest of them) seem to want a bright future for humanity, but fail to realize that the problem is the structure of our society. We could already be living in a world where there is no hunger, no war, no climate change, no extinction of species etc., but that cannot work because the structure of a company is the problem because it is designed for profit.

So trying to change something in today's world with social entrepreneurship or other ideas will not work unless we change the structure of our society.

Because it's nothing new that companies (and politicians) have already made so many promises to win people's trust. And it's also nothing new that this trust is broken again and again. The latest example is Apple, which sells itself as a particularly privacy-friendly company. The fact that maybe this is not the case was shown again today approved27. January 2022

I wonder when that point will be reached where more and more people will realize it's time to move on and on non-trade goods and services to work.

I already have one Articles about YunoHost written and would like to show you what you can do with it:


Every time you search something on Google, data is collected about you and you are shown advertisements. SearX is a meta search engine that collects search results from various search engines (which you can customize) and presents you with the best search results.

For example, this is what my SearX instance looks like and with a little know-how and YunoHost you can also customize your search engine the way you want 🙂


You can easily manage your files via Nextcloud. After installing NextCloud through YunoHost, you can use a NextCloud-App synchronize your pictures, videos, documents etc. on your desktop or mobile phone.

For example, I have NextCloud with me on my Pixel 4a GrapheneOS installed and automatically synchronize the images on my server (my cloud 😉 ).

social network

I refuse to respond to the harmful behaviors of Facebook, Meta and other data collection and advertising platforms such as Snapchat, TikTok etc. and have my own social network through YunoHost – Friendica!

And not only does this work just as well as Facebook, but it's completely ad-free and data-collecting-free, giving me the freedom to design it the way I want:

Also, with Friendica I can pretty much follow the whole internet. There's such a cool thing going on RSS-Feed calls and many websites have an RSS feed. You can easily enter this at Friendica and conveniently get the latest news in your Friendica feed.


I know Facebook isn't cool at all these days and most young people are more on Instagram. But there is now a cooler alternative to that too – Pixelfed!

Not only does it look just as cool as Instagram, but it also doesn't collect your data, run ads or harms your mental health. A nice place for the pictures of you and your friends 🙂


About the app Standard Notes I manage my notes - securely encrypted on my cell phone + laptop and synchronized with my cloud 🙂

Other apps

Overall there is more than 100 Apps on YunoHost, which you can use to do anything: share files, collaborate on a document in real time, create polls, create meetings, and so much more. YunoHost is really really cool!

Why all this?

Why would people start hosting their own services?

Don't worry, not everyone has to have their own server, since it's a small effort, which of course also takes time. But since tools like YunoHost make it easier and easier, you can make yourself independent and control your data yourself.

Also - and I think that's the coolest thing about it - you can give the services to others trade free offer. This is something we do with the TROM services 🙂


...we must not forget that the structure of our society is based on trade and this structure massively limits the potential of humanity. And when more and more people have trade-free access to what they need and want, there will be an explosion of cooperative, smart, and laid-back behaviors that can only propel humanity into a saner future. Wouldn't we all benefit from this? 🙂

Thanks again to YunoHost and all the developers behind all the apps that are freely available. That's the cool thing about free software - take it and make something cool out of it 😉

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